Here at home, we lost all the garage door remotes. Since I had a spare Sonoff RFR3 lying around, I decided to modify it to be able to activate the garage button. But to do that, I had to make some modifications, as you’ll see later in this blog post.

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Imagine having multiple devices running Docker containers. How do you effectively manage all these containers? Personally, I’ve found the solution with Portainer. I can have a master running the main program and multiple agents running on the devices. In this blog post, I will explain various setups that are possible.

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Mosquitto, one of the widely used MQTT brokers, offers robust user authentication through username and password combinations. However, creating password files using the official terminal tool ‘mosquitto_passwd’ can be a challenging task. To address this issue, I have developed an online tool that simplifies this process, making it more accessible and user-friendly.

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Use your web browser to connect to an MQTT broker and create alerts based on the messages that you receive. It is also possible to connect to a serial device and send commands (e.g., make an LED blink) based on the alerts that you created. Another feature is the ability to receive messages from a serial device and publish these messages to a specific topic with the help of a JavaScript decoder.

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This week, I switched to a different telecommunications provider, which led to a dynamic public IP address. Consequently, in today’s blog post, I will discuss the implementation of CloudFlare DNS Service as a Dynamic DNS provider. This configuration ensures that services hosted on the home network remain accessible to remote users through a stable and automatically updated domain name.

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Today I will share my journey of preparing a working environment to develop Rust for Espressif boards. Discover how I made the decision to work with Rust for embedded systems, a language known for its safety, speed, and reliability. I’ll also guide you through the process of preparing your development environment, like installing necessary tools, and configuring your workspace to program Rust in VS Code using Docker Dev Containers.

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David Melo

engineer and a techie

Telco Engineer
