PocketBase is an open source Go backend that features an embedded database and an admin dashboard UI. As part of this project, I developed an app to manage a piggy bank associated with the sale of products. With this app the users can register how many products they bought and also register the amount they left (charge) in the piggy bank by indicating the amount and taking a photo as proof.

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Have you ever wanted to control or configure an Arduino board using a user-friendly graphical interface? In this blog post, I will explain how to build a GUI with Electron (a popular framework for building cross-platform desktop applications) and Vue. With this application, you’ll be able to list Serial Devices and easily send data to an Arduino with a click of a button.

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In today’s digital age, many of us have smart devices or applications at home, but how can we access them from anywhere in the world without exposing them to potential threats? The answer is: with a VPN! A home VPN not only provides a secure and encrypted connection, but also allows us to access our home network, files, and devices remotely. In this blog post, I will share my home VPN setup and also explain how to use a DNS server to identify devices and applications using domain names instead of IP addresses.

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Let’s assume that we have a lot of sensors publishing structured data to an MQTT broker and we want to store this data in a database. A simple way to do that is to use Telegraf (tool from InfluxData) to consume and process the data and store it in an InfluxDB database. In this tutorial, I will explain how to prepare this setup using docker-compose.

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This post is complementary to the previous post of Redis TimeSeries, in which I explained the benefits of using Redis to store time series data. In comparison, instead of using Grafana to plot the data directly from Redis I will explore using gRPC-web to establish a connection between the backend written in Go and the frontend application written in Vue.

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Most of you know Redis as a key-value database, but did you know there is a module that simplifies the use of Redis for time series use cases? In this post I will explain a simple way to store time series data in Redis using Go and visualize it in Grafana. The Go script is designed to be easily adaptable to new use cases, like using a Raspberry Pi to save system metrics (it will reduce the number of write cycles in SD card because the data will be stored in RAM).

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This post is part of a series of a simple networking scanning tool named PortScraper. I will explain how to embed the application into Docker image and how to prepare the setup (PortScraper + MariaDB) with docker-compose.

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David Melo

engineer and a techie

Telco Engineer
